Aloysha Vs Miasma
Friday, October 13, 2006
Bring Out Your Russians
I recently just finished reading Travels With Charley by John Steinbeck, and in the story there is a part where John says that everybody needs the Russians, and by that he did not mean the Russians specifically. You see it was during the Cold War era that this was written and everyone was complaining about the Russians. Just like today how everyone complains about President Bush. I am not one to say whether or not that these complaints are unfounded, I have not studied the argument, but I do know that some of the biggest complainers no less than I do, which is next to nothing. He goes on to talk about the fact that humans just like to complain, to make some one else the bad guy. If your a Republican you will mock the Democrats, bah those gay liberalists. Or if you are a Democrat you will say something like those narrow minded, Christian, right wing braggarts. Atheists will mock the believer, the believer will mock in return, both gloating in some elitist I am better and smarter than you in some kindergardenesque na na na boo boo idiocy. And at the same time I am complaining about the people complaining. It is kind of funny when you think about it. I hope less people get offended about such things, and just laugh a little bit at how stupid we can be sometimes. Now do not get me wrong there are some human mistakes that I will not laugh about that are serious, but I will forgive you if you do. There is always the one kid who just takes it over the edge and makes a joke about unborn babies or the World Trade Center bombings. And maybe it is just their way of coping and getting back to some kind of a resemblance of being normal. I do not have the answers. I just thought John was clever. So bring out your Russians! And we will have a look at our tender prejudices.